3 Foundational Steps to Launching Your Business
3 Foundational Steps to Launching Your Business

3 Foundational Steps to Launching Your Business

Note: For full transparency, this blog post includes an affiliate link. If you use it, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I personally use and trust.

Not sure how to “officially” start your business?

These three fundamental steps will help you get your idea off the ground confidently, quickly, and easily. Dive into each step below, and don't miss my accompanying video for deeper insights from my own personal experiences as an entrepreneur.

Step 1: Forming an LLC:

Step 2: Getting an EIN Number from the IRS

Step 3: Setting up a Business Bank Account:

Wishing you all the best. Remember, while these steps provide the practical foundation, remember that the real essence of entrepreneurship lies in personal growth and the challenges you'll navigate.

For any additional questions or to request specific startup topics in future posts, feel free to email me!

Prof Ingram lingram@bus.olemiss.edu

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